We can't do what we do best, without the amazing support of our own personal village:
Kelley and Kelley
Wilson Nursery
Tmberland Tree Moving
Savory's Gardens
Plant Delights Nursery
Magnuson Sod
Klier Landscape & Concrete Center
SALA Architects, Inc, Eric Odor, spouse and 3d genius
Catherine Benson, hands down the BEST massage therapist in the Twin Cities, believe me we'd know! (763) 300-5575
Linda (Xinsong) Li, the only Acupuncturist anyone should let poke them with needles (952) 297-5600
Johannson Communications, Joyce is our very own secret PR agent (612) 927-4543
Kowalski's, The Linden Hills Co-op & Clancey's (our favorite road meals)
Settergrens Hardware (they fix our stuff it breaks : )
Booker and the Peep do what they do to make us smile.